Announcing our NEW ClayPaws Kit packaging!
We have the best customers. You all love our products and tell us that all the time. But if there is one thing we have heard over and over it’s that you don’t need all the packaging that comes with our ClayPaws Kits.
It makes sense. Our packaging hasn’t really changed in 25 years!
So, in an effort to keep our kits affordable, reduce material waste, and increase the function of our packaging, we’ve spent the last year working on our new packaging.
And, now it’s here!
Survey Says!
As part of our development process we sent out test versions of our new packaging to a diverse sampling of our customers and asked them to fill out a survey. We are so grateful to all of you who took the time to share your thoughts. We are overjoyed to tell you that the responses were overwhelmingly positive.
The vast majority of our customers (think 90% or higher) feel that our new packaging:
- gives a positive first impression
- provides enough information for their clients
- works with their current processes
- provides a more attractive and professional way to send unbaked or baked ClayPaws prints home
- will lead them to continue using ClayPaws Kits in the future
Frequently Asked Questions
We also asked these customers to share any additional thoughts they may have. In their responses, some good questions were raised.
Can you add a tear notch to make opening the bag easier?
Great news! The bags are not heat-sealed so no need to tear them open. However, they do have a resealable zipper closure so you can open and close the bag as needed.
What kind of pen do you recommend using so it doesn’t smear when writing on the bag?
The best pen to use is a ball-point pen rather than a marker or gel pen to avoid smudging.
Can you bake in the packaging?
No, you must remove the ClayPaws print before baking. To make this even easier, try our new Baking Disks!
So, to sum up, our new packaging has many benefits and creates added value over our previous packaging. Some of those benefits are:
a simplified process for sending home unbaked prints with families.
First, fill out the blank spaces on the front with the pet’s name, owner’s name, and the names of your team members or the name of your business. Then, mark if the print has or has not been baked. Lastly, put the baked or unbaked print back into the original packaging. All necessary instructions are included on the back of the bag along with our contact information.
an improved presentation of baked or unbaked ClayPaws prints to families.
Our new packaging has a more professional appearance with a clear presentation window for the paw print. Additionally, oil from the unbaked clay will not seep through the specially coated-bag onto other paperwork or materials. In short, this packaging more suitably reflects the high-quality of our special-formula ClayPaws Clay.
a reduction in material waste and unnecessary paperwork.
We’ve streamlined our instructions and reduced our multi-piece packaging to one multi-functional bag. This bag serves as the original packaging with all contact information, instructions, and necessary warnings for your team. Then, it also serves as the send-home container for the finished ClayPaws print.
For more information, watch our launch video below:
We can’t wait for you to try out our new packaging!
Until next time,
Bryn Frisina
Chief Growth Officer
World by the Tail, Inc.