Business Philosophy
We want you, our customers, to trust us and feel like you have found a home with us. That’s why we work hard to build a feeling of community, rather than competition, within the animal-related business world. We contribute to the creation of community through social media and by providing credible, up-to-date information and resources in our Resource Center.
Customer Service
Providing high quality customer service for you and creating a high level of job satisfaction for our staff are our highest priorities. If you have a question, suggestion, concern, or complaint, we want to hear from you! Please use the methods below to contact us directly. We’ll do our best to address your inquiries!
Product Guarantee
We want you to try ClayPaws® Kits and other products at our risk and to your satisfaction. That’s why we offer a six month, 100% money back guarantee. If, after trying one of our products, you decide it is not the product you have been looking for, return it to us for a 100% refund.
Better Business Bureau
Visit or click on the icon below to see our report from the Better Business Bureau anytime. We have an A+ rating!
Contact Us
If you have questions or concerns about any of the above items or World by the Tail, Inc. services, please call us at 1-888-271-8444 or email your comments to:
General Information/Customer Service [email protected]
Webmaster [email protected]