This is Part 3 of our Support Protocols for 14 Common Situations series. The cases described in this series are drawn from everyday scenarios found in general veterinary practice or emergency and specialty practices. Below you’ll find an example of a type of case you’re likely to encounter in practice. This blog’s subject is a case involving euthanasia decision making. Situation: Euthanasia Decision Making Dawn is sitting beside you in an exam room after a follow up visit with her Cairn Terrier, Candy, who is terminally ill. You’ve told her that the prognosis is bad and it may be time… Continue Reading
Connecting with Grieving Clients
Delivering Bad News: Situational Support Protocols
This is Part 2 of our Support Protocols for 14 Common Situations series. The cases described in this series are drawn from everyday scenarios found in general veterinary practice or emergency and specialty practices. Below you’ll find an example of a type of case you’re likely to encounter in practice. This blog’s subject is a case about delivering bad news Situation: Delivering Bad News A client named Joanna rushes into your hospital holding her cat, Boots, in her arms. She is crying and distraught, and it’s obvious that Boots is in respiratory distress. You immediately take the cat to an… Continue Reading
Crisis and Emergency: Situational Support Protocols
This is Part 1 of our Support Protocols for 14 Common Situations series. The cases described in this series are drawn from everyday scenarios found in general veterinary practice or emergency and specialty practices. Below you’ll find an example of a type of case you’re likely to encounter in practice. This blog’s subject is a case involving a crisis or emergency. Situation: Crisis and Emergency Rhonda rushes her dog Romeo to your veterinary clinic on a Friday afternoon at 4:45 p.m. Romeo has just been attacked by another dog, his injuries are severe, and his life is in danger. Romeo… Continue Reading
Verbal Communication: Clinical Communication Skills Part 2
Verbal Communication Verbal communication skills make use of the spoken word. When using verbal communication skills, pay attention to your tone of voice and the pacing of your speech. These have great influence on the meaning of your words. For instance, if you use the appropriate words to describe a situation but say them at a very fast pace, you may be viewed as rushed, nervous, or insensitive. However, if you speak the same words too slowly, you may be viewed as dull or condescending. Monitor your voice tone when you are working with clients who are grieving. Words that… Continue Reading
Nonverbal Communication: Clinical Communication Skills Part 1
Nonverbal Communication Only a small percentage of communication happens verbally. Along with what is said, communication is also: where it is said how it is said why it is said when it is said whom it is said to and, what is not said Nonverbal communication is conveyed through facial expressions, body postures, gestures, and hand movements as well as through writing, reading, and listening. Nonverbal communication adds meaning to the verbal. The following nonverbal communication skills and techniques, used with verbal ones, enhance your message of compassion and care. Structuring the Environment Structuring the environment means paying attention to the various elements of… Continue Reading
Emotional Support Protocols
Most grief support is conveyed through the use of a specific set of emotional support protocols and techniques. These basic clinical communication skills include verbal and nonverbal behaviors like direct eye contact, touch, facial expressions, and body language. If you want to connect with and provide support for your grieving clients, it helps to be a skilled communicator. But skilled communication does not just happen. Basic verbal and non-verbal skills and techniques can be learned, often through trial and error, but more effectively through education and practice. Practice, Practice, Practice In coming blog posts, we will review the verbal and… Continue Reading
Setting Boundaries for Support
Veterinary team members who provide skilled client support often develop an extremely loving and loyal clientele. Many of your clients will think of you as a friend. This is why it is important to understand the concept of setting boundaries for support. Once your clients have experienced the quality of your comfort and care, they may naturally turn to you for assistance with the other problems in their lives. This may be especially common when those problems involve a medical issue or death. For example, they may come to you with questions about an illness they are coping with, their… Continue Reading
Supporting Your Clients’ Grief
According to one study in human medicine, the leading reason for seeking medical care is relief of distress. The effort to minimize distress is often described in the medical literature as the act of providing comfort. Comfort means “to strengthen” and is most often described as a physical, mental, and/or emotional state of ease or well-being. Offering comfort is the most important part of supporting your clients’ grief after pet loss. In a 1998 commentary in the Journal of the American Veterinary Medical Association, Dr. Franklin McMillan suggested that comfort, not health, is the “primary and central objective of medical practice.” Dr. McMillan… Continue Reading