Ink Pads for Nose Prints
Our Ultra Washable Ink Pad for Nose Prints is the best of both worlds! The ink is easily washed off noses, paws, and hands, but is permanent on porous surfaces (like paper) once dry. We recommend using our Kraft Furever Loved Clippings Containers (not Glossy White), the inside of any of our Pet Sympathy Cards, or even ClayPaws Clay, as surfaces.
We’ve created this ink to be non-toxic and safe. It is also acid-free and washes off easily! The ink can be used on any porous surface, like paper, and even works great with our particular formula of clay. Once the ink print is heat-set, after baking the clay patty, the ink print is smudge-proof and water-resistant.
NOW available in Black, Pink and Blue!
Our Ultra Washable Ink Pads conform to ASTM D4236 standards for testing of art materials and are:
- Safe and Non-Toxic
- Suitable for low temperature baking
- Works great on any porous material
- Permanent on ClayPaws Clay (after heat set) but washes off skin
Please note all inks are likely to fade with time. Please keep finished prints away from direct sunlight.
See below for full product description and other information.
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What Customers Say
Thank goodness you followed the dream and made this product available!