ClayPaws® Patty Pads with Circle & Oval Molds
Please knead our ClayPaws® Clay and then form it into a patty before making a print.
To make this process easy, we designed our ClayPaws Patty Pads and Circle Molds. The laminated folder, called a Patty Pad, creates a smooth, clean surface to work on. The Circle Mold helps you create perfectly round patties with no wasted clay. Instructions for use are printed on the inside of each Patty Pad. See how they work by watching our Instructional Video!
We created these tools to work specifically with our ClayPaws Clay. Each mold uses the exact volume of clay provided in one or more of our pre-measured ClayPaws patties. Use one ClayPaws Clay patty with our Maroon Circle Mold (4″). For larger prints, use two ClayPaws Clay patties with our Large Green Circle Mold (5.5″), or three ClayPaws patties with our Yellow Oval Mold (6″ x 8″). If you have a very small print, you can use our Small Clear Circle Mold (2.75″) with 1/2 of a ClayPaws patty.
Note: Clicking the ADD TO CART button takes you to an external cart for the quantity and payment information.
What Customers Say
Susie Marquardt
We have been loyal ClayPaws® customers for 18 years and, in turn, ClayPaws have created many loyal customers for us! In fact, our long-term customers have come to expect a ClayPaws print with each pet they have had and say they look forward to having a collection of memories from each pet. Making ClayPaws prints allows us to create a good experience during a difficult time for our customers.
Dennis Stuart
For 18 years, we’ve only used ClayPaws® clay and we’ve always been very happy with it. And so have our clients! We have clients who have received a ClayPaws print for one animal, then gotten a new pet. They tell us that, when their new pet dies, they hope to get another ClayPaws print that matches the one they already have so their pets are remembered in the same way.
Ben Kemper
We like you because you are convenient and easy to work with and your clay and packaging is consistent and easy to use! Additionally, you employ people with disabilities from Foothills Gateway in Fort Collins, CO, to package ClayPaws® Kits and we like supporting their work. Our customers are happy with our paw prints and the feedback is positive. That’s why we’ve been ClayPaws customers for 17 years!
Janet Hanley
We offer a free ClayPaws® print to all of our clients who have an animal euthanized and almost everyone chooses to receive one. When they are ready to leave our hospital, we send the print home with them unbaked so they can personalize it themselves. We’ve been a ClayPaws customer for 18 years!
Chase Basilio
Our veterinarian, Dr. Beverly Creasy, is the person at our clinic who decorates and bakes our ClayPaws® Prints. She puts so much thought into personalizing them for each and every patient. The texture and workabilty [of your clay] has always been superior to any others we have tried. Our clients love them and the staff enjoys making them!
Sarah Kreis
We have been ClayPaws® customers for 17 years because your clay is the highest quality. We send ClayPaws prints home unbaked so families can add their own personal touches. The ClayPaws prints we make are tangible memories that are cherished for years. We love your products and so do our customers!
We have been using ClayPaws® Kits for 14-15 years! We love them and our clients love them too! We surprise our pet parents with a ClayPaws Print by sending the finished print to them a few days after their pet has passed. We’ve been able to easily adapt the print-making system to our needs. We sometimes personalize prints for our clients as well. We have a talented technician who has created beautiful prints. Some pet parents would like their print painted, some have scenes added to the print that depicts a favorite memory, or a pet’s favorite place and other clients prefer a plain paw print. We try to accommodate our clients if we can. We’ve received many cards and comments from our clients thanking us for their prints and letting us know how much they mean to them. If our clients have already received a print from one pet they don’t hesitate to make sure they will be receiving another print when they experience another pet loss. They love them. Thank you for providing this product!
As a Tech, most of the time we get so attached to the patients as well as the owners. It’s something I’ve used as a coping mechanism for myself as well because death is the saddest part of our job. So it brings me such joy to help enhance a piece of our owners’ pets for them and really make it a special memory.
Laura Colton
After saying goodbye to my beloved yorkie, Bear, his veterinarian asked if I would wait ten minutes so they could make me a paw print. I agreed but did not expect what I would get back. They brought it out to me, my baby’s paw print in clay, and not only that, but his name and two hearts by his paw. A while ago, when my mother passed away, she had a heart blanket covering her. Now, whenever I see hearts, I know she is with me. Seeing those hearts near his paw print let me know that Bear is with my mom. In a world where we are quick to criticize everything, it is important to also say thank you when someone does something meaningful. I want to thank whoever came up with this idea and product. It has brought me so much comfort to know I will always have a piece of my Bear.
Stephen J. Withrow, DVM
My team has made paw prints for my clients for over 20 years and feel that the kits are a simple and convenient way to provide a lasting memento for a pet owner upon the loss of their animal. Many owners have commented that receiving a paw print added a personal touch to the sometimes impersonal process of their pet’s death. It’s one more way we, as veterinarians, can express empathy at a difficult time
Debi Goldstein-Carlson, Pet Parent
Just wanted to say thank you again for the great customer service regarding the ribbon/charm mix-up and how quickly I got the correct ribbon and the other charms. Sheena went RUNNING over the Rainbow Bridge free of pain yesterday and it was yesterday that I got your package. It really meant a lot to me that you called me back so quickly and rectified the mix-up. You definitely practice what you say: Customer Satisfaction is Our #1 Priority.
Dr. Sara Hopkins, Edmonds, WA
I have always been very pleased with your products and the wonderful customer service of World by the Tail. Thank you for giving me yet another reason to sing your praises 🙂
Kristine Butto, DVM
I love your company, lots of good info for my clients. I have used your words and training every day for the last 20 years. Keep up your blessed work and just know that you have made a big difference in this world to help people through their grief and [given] vets the tools to help them heal. Thanks!
Donna Dineen
Your cards have created a far superior relationship with our clientele than the flowers we used to send. We rarely ever got a thank you or acknowledgement from those. Your cards?? Doctors, lawyers, bank managers…you name it, death doesn’t select a socio-economic level to devastate. ALL come in to the hospital, teary eyed, telling the front desk how they never got anything like that in their life, how they ‘laminated’ that card and set it beside the cremation urn of their pet!!! I am humbled. And I am grateful for a company like yours that delivers such a quality card.
Here in Wilmington, NC there are more veterinarians per square mile than anywhere else in North Carolina! So it takes a lot of thought and caring to stay above the competition. We do that by caring about our clients and their pets. By the way, I wrote 965 cards in total last year… all of them your cards.
Gloria Shergold
I had to put my own 3-year-old dog down recently and it just broke my heart. One day, I happened to read the Educational Enclosure card on grief and made the connection between the death of my dog and the lousy way I’d been feeling! Reading those cards really helped me with the loss of my pet. Now, I want to share them with others by giving these cards to our clients who lose their pets.
Reba B.
We want you to know that we think your Veterinary Wisdom® Body Care Bags are a wonderful idea and we’re so grateful you created them! A product like this has been needed for a long time and I’m sure clients will appreciate them.
Deborah A.
I would like to pass along how much ClayPaws means to me and my family. My sixteen year old yorkie passed away last weekend. He was one of our children. We got him two years before our oldest child was born. My kids had always had him in the house with them. After rushing him to an emergency vet where we had to make the most difficult decision that we did not want to make, the assistant asked if we would like a Claypaw. I can’t tell you how much it means to us to have his paw print. What a wonderful creation for families during this sad time.
Brandon W. Wilkins
I really appreciate what ClayPaws does and it’s truly a blessing. It helped me receive closure from the passing of my 18 year old dog named Buddy on the 7th. We got him as a puppy when I was 6 and now I’m 25. He was with me all my life growing up. Now I have more memorabilia of him other than just pictures. My ClayPaw is my favorite item of memorabilia of his though and was done in such a perfect looking job. God Bless.
Kathy Couture Strachan Kamins
Our Veterinarian at Lillington Veterinary Hospital offered to make one of these when we had to put our BUDDY HOLLEE down on July 3, 2013 and I just love it and am so happy they did this for us, because at that time we were so devastated at the time that we would’ve never known about this! You have an AWESOME product and I will HIGHLY recommend you guys to anyone I come in contact with. Thank You!!!
Nicole L.
I had to stop by your website to tell you how much your paw print I received from the vet hospital meant to me. I lost my baby girl Nyx, an 8 yr old kitty suddenly. She had never gotten sick before and I had to make the terrible decision to do a surgery that she most likely wouldn’t make it out of, or lay her down. When they asked if I wanted her paw prints I said yes, but thought it would be an ink print. When they handed me the clay print and I could physically touch my baby’s feet again, I lost it. This has been one of the hardest things in my life yet, and I can’t tell you how much it means to me to have the paw prints. Thank you, thank you, thank you from the bottom of my heart.
Sharon Z. Gonzales
We just had to put our 22 ½ -year-old cat, Suzi, to sleep. Let me tell you, it was one of the hardest things I’ve ever done. I can hardly remember when we didn’t have her. The vet assistant brought her out in a nice box and then handed me something else. I couldn’t believe what she gave me—the paw prints of Suzi on clay! I have so many memories of Suzi but nothing compares to her paw prints that I can have forever. They brought me such joy and a smile through my tears. My husband is 80 and he couldn’t go to the vet’s. He was so upset. But you should have seen his face when he saw those paw prints. I don’t know who created this idea, but I can’t say enough about how caring and kind it is. Thank you for making it a little easier to lose our beloved companion of so many years….I’ve heard people over my lifetime say, ‘oh, it’s just a cat or it’s just a dog’, but the Lord created life and any life is so very precious. Every vet should do this and I wish you much luck in reaching out to them all and in encouraging them to use this memento to comfort those of us who cherish the ‘voiceless’ lives we were blessed with.
Denise A.
I just wanted to write to you to tell you how very thankful I am for your thoughtful keepsakes of clay paws! I love the idea and have never owned one before. Recently, my almost 15 year old childhood Golden Retriever had to be put to sleep due to a severe gastrointestinal lymphoma complication. It was a very heartbreaking experience for me and my family, but we were comforted to know that we were there with him till the end and he lived a long happy life. A vet tech was clipping some fur for me and offered me a clay paw. It was an unexpected offer of sympathy and I eagerly accepted this cherished keepsake of my beloved dog to be made in his honor. It was so neatly done! The vet tech came to meet me at my car and when I held this imprint, it helped quiet the loneliness that struck me in grief all the way home without my dog. I felt so moved because I was planning to make a clay paw, but out of the craft kits found at the craft store, just hadn’t had a chance to get one yet. So glad I didn’t buy one of those kits, but instead received yours which is from what I’ve heard is definitely the only kind that lasts! To my surprise, there was no toxic smell to the clay and it came off the glass pyrex dish easily! I really love your perfect clay formula and will highly recommend it to other pet owners! Being so satisfied with your clay, I immediately visited your website to order a copy kit and some blue sculpey bake shop clay packets. The mold was a little more delicate to make, but it turned out after several attempts. We used the mold to make the rest of the paw prints right on the first try! I’m so glad that I made copies to give to every member of my family as a beautiful memorial of our beloved puppy…I cannot say thank you enough for making simple and lasting keepsakes in clay paws of our wonderful pets! They’re a lifetime of heartwarming memories preserved. I can hardly wait to use your products in the future to make memories of my next canine companions! Please keep doing what you’re doing for pet owners! It’s very encouraging to have your clay available for any paw regardless of what size it is. You recognize each of our beloved pets’ uniqueness and you’re a wonderful help in making memories of them!
Jean C.
On Christmas Eve, I had to put my soul mate down – Raleigh, my 12 year old Dalmation. My veterinarian and staff made an excruciatingly painful experience much easier by their compassion, kindness and thoughtfulness. It could have been a much more difficult day for me. As I was leaving, the tech brought me Raleigh’s collar, and handed me something. I didn’t know what it was until she told me that she had made an imprint of Raleigh’s paw for me in clay, and told me to bake it, but that the instructions were on the enclosed card. There will never be enough words for me to tell you what that simple gesture meant to me. Not only that my vet’s office realizes and has these kits available, but that you offer this product. There will never be enough words to express my love for Raleigh, but I cannot believe that I am fortunate enough to have her paw print forever, because of this wonderful, wonderful product. Thank you from the bottom of my broken heart. Your ClayPaws® print has helped me through a moment in time that will last a lifetime.
Anne S.
Just wanted to take a moment to say thank you for the ClayPaws kit. We are in California and have just recently lost our sweet 16 ½ year old dog, Buddy. Before he left us our vet was able to make an impression of his paw using your product. Thank you for the memories. We were doubly touched to know that you hire developmentally disabled persons and that you are located in Fort Collins . Hit home with us as I work with the handicapped and my daughter was a student at CSU. We are touched by your product and wish your business a lot of success. Thank you.
Karen and Craig
Our 12 1/2 year old pug, Jack, passed away suddenly last week. When I picked up his leash, I was presented with his paw prints. I cannot tell you how grateful we are that this vet had your product and was so kind to give us this memory of Jack. Needless to say, I was not expecting it and was a puddle of tears for several hours, which was not a bad thing. It has helped with our grieving. Thank you again for a wonderful product.
Linda and Ron F.
I wanted to let you know how much our ClayPaws prints have meant to us. Satin, our first of two litter mate sisters passed away July 2004 from cancer. Her sister Silkie passed away in February 2005 also from cancer. Both veterinary hospitals that treated our girls offered us the chance to forever capture additional memories of the “girls” by using your ClayPaws Kits to do their paw prints. It has meant the world to us! Thanks again for your product. We wouldn’t trade our ClayPaws prints for anything.
William S.
I just wanted to write a brief note to thank you and your staff. Today, Sunday September 7, 2003, I had to take my black lab named Jack into the State University Animal Hospital to be euthanized. He fought a very tough battle with lymphoma. I was blessed with Jack eight years ago and my life will never be the same without him. Jack and I went everywhere together. Today was the toughest thing that I have ever had to do in thirty-two years. I had to have my best friend put to sleep and to say good-bye to him. After everything was over with, the doctor took him out of the room for a few minutes to transfer him into a box so that I could take him home. The doctor brought Jack back out to me along with this wonderful surprise, a ClayPaws print from Jack. I can’t thank you and your staff enough for this. I will always cherish Jack’s paw print. Thank you.
Patricia M.
I want to thank you for offering such a unique idea as the ClayPaws kits through veterinarians. I had to put my cat Angel of 20 years to sleep due to kidney failure. It was at that moment that I realized I hardly had pictures of her. Having the ClayPaws print done right after she was put to sleep meant so much to me. It is such a sentimental and tangible item that I can look at and remember her by. Thank you for a wonderful, heartfelt idea. I’ll cherish it forever.
Jennifer S.
I wanted to write and say thank you for such a novel idea with your ClayPaws kits. My husband and I yesterday made the most difficult decision of our lives to put our beloved four-year-old cat Jake to sleep after a three month battle with hepatic lipidosis. Before the veterinarian made the injection, she walked back in the examining room with an impression of his paw for us. I was so moved. I plan on ordering one for our cat at home, our new kitten when we get one, and all of my family members who have cats whom I know will cherish this idea. Thanks again!
Jim and Kathy
Our vet provided a paw print of our Casey when we had to have him put down. We think it was a wonderful gesture and wanted you all to know what a good idea you have. Thanks!
Grace C.
Thank you for creating ClayPaws paw prints! We’ve lost two wonderful little poodles in the last six months. Their paw print plaques are nice, positive reminders of our beloved little buddies.
Michele Z.
I just wanted to send you a quick note to tell you I really appreciate your company. I had to put my 12 year old lab down on Tuesday due to cancer. My vet gave me the impression of her paw. What a lovely permanent reminder I will have of my wonderful, sweet dog. She will be missed terribly, but because of your product, I have a precious memento that I will treasure forever.
Tracy B.
I just want you to know how grateful I am to have such a wonderful memorial for my precious cat.
Deborah M.
My vet made me one of your ClayPaws prints for my beloved greyhound Apollo when he had to be laid to rest and it has been so wonderful to sit and touch where his paw was, and how wonderful it is to have that ‘piece of him’.
Tawna S.
I just wanted to say thank you for creating the ClayPaws print kits. Even though we have lost our beloved pet, due to a terrible accident that took his life, we will always cherish our reminder of him with the ClayPaws print that our vet gave us. My eight year old daughter is forever grateful that she has this memento to help her get through the grief process of her best friend, Dylan. Thank you!
Jenny T.
I just wanted to thank you for having the ClayPaws memorials. I just lost my little ferret three weeks ago and had him cremated. The veterinary hospital asked if I wanted them to save the paw print in a ClayPaws kit. I hadn’t really heard of it but thought it was a great idea. I just picked up his cremains today and his tiny footprints in the clay. Now that clay print is the most cherished memory that I have. I will always miss my sweet Raymond, but feel a sense of his presence with his paw print on my shelf next to his urn. Thank you so much for the feeling of ‘having a part of Raymond still with me’. I can’t begin to explain that comfort. Thank you again.
Coleen Ellis
We use ClayPaws Kits because ClayPaws Clay is the best there is. We have educated our entire team as to the importance of these forever reminders of a love shared, a life gone, and the paw prints that will forever remain on a pet parent’s grieving heart.
Susie Marquardt
We have been loyal ClayPaws customers for 18 years and, in turn, ClayPaws have created many loyal customers for us! In fact, our long-term customers have come to expect a ClayPaws print with each pet they have had and say they look forward to having a collection of memories from each pet.
We make ClayPaws prints during two occasions, when pets are under anesthesia and when they are euthanized. Making ClayPaws prints allows us to create a good experience during a difficult time for our customers.
Dana Durrance
As a devoted friend to everyone at World by the Tail and as someone who has been blessed enough to work with these amazing people and contribute some to their website; I can tell you that our own pet hospital in Colorado Springs has grown and flourished because of the many products and services that World by the Tail provides. Their products are second to none and allow us to show compassion and caring to our clients in simple, yet profound ways. You won’t find a better company to support a pet hospital than World by the Tail!
Elizabeth S. Frohse
We had a very special “friend” that we had to assist in going to the Rainbow Bridge. We made a paw print and I baked it this weekend! We cannot wait to give it to the owner who is a very special lady! And yes it was as easy as you indicated! Thank goodness, because I realized we were all upset over the situation and everyone was not in their “most creative” modes at this time!! Thank you again for such a great product – it is precisely what I have been searching for to “give a special” remembrance at these sad times and it would not cost me an arm and a leg to provide it!!!
ClayPaws prints, what an amazing product, something so small can create an emotional response to last forever. I work at an animal hospital that makes a ClayPaws print for almost every client that loses a pet. It’s a small keepsake that means so much to the client and the staff. We add the pet’s favorite color, decorative buttons, paw print ribbon, and pet’s name in the clay. Personalizing the ClayPaws print and giving it to the client is how we cope with the loss. Making ClayPaws prints is a part of our hospital culture. We have even received referrals because we cared enough to make them. I urge anyone who works in the animal field to make just one for a client and you will see the joy and the love in their tears.
We have clients who have come to our practice specifically because we provide ClayPaws prints. I wonder if you realize how far-reaching your products are and how deeply they affect people.
Erin M., LVT
We’ve been making paw prints for clients for a while but we were using an air dry clay. We found that often it would crack and we didn’t find it durable. Some prints made from air dry clay even broke and that was bad. I was determined to find a solution and that’s when I found ClayPaws Kits. I just wanted to let you know I love the ClayPaws prints and so do clients!!! They are awesome and they make a hard experience more positive!!!
Steve Weaver
When I give a pet’s paw print to the owner, so many of them want to immediately hold the print and rub their hands over it. I’ve had requests from vendors wanting me to try their paw print kits that come ready to use in a can. I’ve never tried them because I know my customers would not get the same benefit from holding a can as they would holding their actual pet’s print. Keep up the good work!
Lori Coughlin
We love your ClayPaws, and our clients love the keepsake they have to remember their beloved cats (and an occasional dog). We have a talented technician who bakes and hand-decorates each one individually with the colors of the cat, their name and dates, and the touching charms we get from you. We include your brochure with our grief materials, and now we can like you and share your web site with our clients as well. Thank you from all of us at The Cat Practice.
Keith M.
We are very happy with ClayPaws. I wish we would have done this a long time ago.
Carol T.
I just wanted to tell you how much we appreciate having ClayPaws® kits as part of our euthanasia protocol. The ClayPaws print is mailed a few days after the euthanasia, along with a personal note. This makes for a complete condolence package along with a personal note from the doctors, as well as a donation made to Cornell University in the pet’s name. At first, we were sensitive to using ClayPaws kits with all of our euthanasias and just selectively used it. The feedback was so positive that we now do an imprint before the animal is euthanized so that ClayPaws print has a bit of the animal’s spirit in it. We are pleased to have a tangible memento to give to our clients to help them through the grief process.
Joyce Y.
I wanted to let you and your staff know how much our clients appreciate the ClayPaws prints. It is a lasting remembrance that is truly special. I also appreciate the staff that helps with phone orders. They are so helpful and courteous! Keep up the good work!
ClayPaws kits are a wonderful idea. They are very special for pet owners and hospital staff who have been close to the pets being euthanized.
ClayPaws kits are so great for memories when pets are euthanized. ClayPaws kits have been so good for our practice. They also sell like hot cakes.
Holly Churchill
Thank you for your help! I had gone back to your site and looked around and found the free samples to order. I have done this and will present this idea to the boss as soon as I get them. I too was given one of these when my last dog (Molly) passed and I have it on my wall and cherish it immensely!
Susan Hall, DVM
It is a very hard decision to put a loved pet down but when you do it helps to have a memento like the ClayPaws print.
Gary, Practice Manager
The shape [of ClayPaws patties] is easy to use and has great consistency and malleability. We really like them!
Kristin W., DVM
Thank goodness you followed the dream and made this product available!
Karen S., LVT
We have Puppy Kindergarten and people really enjoy getting a ClayPaws kit in the packet we give out. They have been so good for our business with lots of positive feedback.
Debi Goldstein-Carlson
Just wanted to say thank you again for the great customer service regarding the ribbon/charm mix-up and how quickly I got the correct ribbon and the other charms. Sheena went RUNNING over the Rainbow Bridge free of pain yesterday and it was yesterday that I got your package. It really meant a lot to me that you called me back so quickly and rectified the mix-up. You definitely practice what you say: Customer Satisfaction is Our #1 Priority.
Dr. Sara Hopkins
I have always been very pleased with your products and the wonderful customer service of World by the Tail. Thank you for giving me yet another reason to sing your praises 🙂
Sue Mocniak, BSW, LSW, MSW Intern
I LOVED your website. Through your writings and your website, your heart and passion for pets and their parents shines. It is now in my Favorites so I can utilize it as a resource.
Wanda Auten
Our goal is to help people feel less unsure or guilty about choosing euthanasia for their pets and your We Care brochure does that. I put them in the waiting room and, if people have questions, I suggest they read the brochure and I also refer them to all the wonderful resources on your website. We’ve also linked to your site from our practice website so it’s really easy for people to find you. The bottom line is that I just love the way you’ve constructed this whole process. It’s very helpful!!
Lynn A.
Thank you for creating a way for me to memorialize my kitty, Claudie. Like so many other pet parents I am grateful to have a keepsake of my baby. I only wish I knew about your website before Claudie’s passing. I would’ve included the heart pendant with her body when Claudie went to the crematorium. Thank you for this website and the resources you offer. I have found solace in knowing my feelings are normal. I’m feeling less overwhelmed by my guilt and sadness because of you all. I know each day will get better and the good memories will soon overshadow the bad memory of one day. Thank you for that.
Donna Dineen
I started out 7 or 8 years ago writing sympathy cards for our clients. My husband had euthanized another dog of ours and the staff sent me flowers. As the flowers died, it reminded me “oh yeah, my dog died too” which reopened that wound…so I got the blank cards from El Dorado Arts and began writing “verbal hugs” for people that lost pets, especially to euthanasia. Those “We Care” brochures just add to the comfort and acceptance of grief and the passing of a beloved pet. Just for the record, last year I wrote 315 doggy sympathy and 258 kitty sympathy cards. Death doesn’t take a holiday. Ever. So you understand how valuable and necessary the We Care brochure is.
I wanted to tell you just how effectively they worked. I knew after reading the one sent with my regular cards that they would be a God send. When we got them, my husband Jeff gave one to a long-time client that had been deliberating over euthanasia for a while, wanting him to come to their house to administer to their pet. After they read it, they immediately decided to bring their beloved dog to our hospital to have it done there. You do not know how relieved my husband was that they became so compliant thanks to the brochure. These clients read the booklet and went on the [Pet Parent Referral Website]. It walked them through all the stages of what was to come. Thank you thank you thank YOU!!!!!!!!!!
I know our whole staff greatly appreciates having these helpful “tools” for our clients! Thanks again
Denise A.
…Your website is also very helpful for me especially since my family and I were first time dog owners so this was our first experience with pet loss. I didn’t know what to expect so I was able to find plenty of grief support through your articles and downloading the free e-book on the Death of Your Beloved Pet… Please keep doing what you’re doing for pet owners! …You recognize each of our beloved pets’ uniqueness and you’re a wonderful help in making memories of them! Thank you for supporting disabled workers and Best Friends Animal Society as well! This makes me feel happy for buying pet lover products that go to needy causes for both animals and people.
I’ve never seen a more thoughtfully constructed website regarding all aspects of the heartbreak of losing a pet. This site is incredibly helpful, giving a wealth of information, guidance, and understanding that we found extremely useful and comforting. It’s clear that the insightful group providing this information clearly understand how our pets become members of our family and how their loss dramatically impacts each of us. This website is a welcomed shelter before, during, and after your loss.
Your website was truly oxygen to me. I felt like I was suffocating in my grief. I liked your website the best out of the other ones I found. I will tell my vet and my friends that your site is out there. I am so glad your website is there. Thanks again!
Camino Animal Hospital
Your cards are gorgeous–we love them. We have received many compliments on these cards. Thank you.
Salem Veterinary Hospital
I love this card (S81). It says everything you would want to tell the client at such and emotional time.
Dineen Animal Hospital
Fantastic cards! They are great. Can’t do without your cards!
Barton Heights Veterinary Hospital
Great cards–makes our clients really feel welcome.
Warren Animal Hospital
Gorgeous, wonderful cards!
Gloria Shergold
I had to put my own 3-year-old dog down recently and it just broke my heart. One day, I happened to read the Educational Enclosure card on grief and made the connection between the death of my dog and the lousy way I’d been feeling! Reading those cards really helped me with the loss of my pet. Now, I want to share them with others by giving these cards to our clients who lose their pets.
Linda B, Pet Parent
I shared with my Mom what your grief education cards said and I felt so much better to look at them and see that I am normal and why it’s been so hard. They are wonderful and, after reading all of the cards, I saw myself in so many of the different sections. I just can’t thank you enough for your grief education cards. Bless you very much.
Adrianne D., Hospital Manager
I saw your Veterinary Wisdom About Grief enclosure cards at another practice and purchased a number for our practice. Our employees think they are the best… and our clients love them!
Your level of compassion and empathy goes above & beyond anything I could have imagined. I was talking to you, a friend, not just a “customer rep”. That means the world to me. You let me ramble on about Zac, and long gone fur babies. You did not push me away. Your responses were completely on point & took my feelings into consideration.
I ordered a [paw print product] from another company first. When I had a question – it was adequately answered. What was missing was the personal touch – the care – the concern – for me & Zac. Of course, cost of product matters. But the price didn’t seal the deal. IT WAS YOU!
You showed compassion. When I contacted other vendors – their answers were simple & straight forward. They did not acknowledge my loss, they did not show any sympathy. For them – business is business. Not for you.
You are an extremely kind, caring, and loving individual – with a huge heart! You didn’t just “hear” me – you “listened”. You were appropriately responsive. I spoke to you, a human being – NOT an automated machine. You managed to transform a very uncomfortable situation for me into a comfortable one. I cannot thank you enough!
Emma Barber
I’m just writing to say thank you. Today, May 28th, 2019, my beloved dutch bun, Greg, passed after 11 wonderful years together. It was heartbreaking and traumatic for me, especially thinking that I wouldn’t have a part of him to hold onto. The vet clinic offered me a cremation option to have his ashes, to my surprise. They took it up a notch when the told me about the clay imprint. I didn’t even hesitate to say yes and I’m glad I did. I took it home, and both me and my boyfriend put our thumbprints on the unbaked clay and now I have a forever memory of my precious bunny.
Thank you from the bottom of my heart.
Linda Gaio
I love my little Sammi’s paw print that my vet’s office gave us. I received the print unbaked, so I really appreciate you taking the time to explain the baking process. I love how detailed it is. I can feel the texture of her pads and see the lines of fur (she had furry pads). I look forward to preserving this print and making a display of it, along with photos, cards we’ve received, and her urn.
You are doing a beautiful thing. It is comforting and nice to know others understand the feelings attached to loving and losing a furry family member
Sue B.
Thank you so much for providing such a wonderful product line and resource for those of us who have [experienced] pet loss. I look forward to ordering the glaze and some ribbons to decorate my memorial paw print. Thanks again for such an amazing and beautiful way to help us all commemorate our pets.
Lee and Mary
My wife, Mary and I recently had to put our pup Ella to sleep. She was about 4 years old when she came to us and we spent the last 12 years with Ella. She was kind, gentle, with a great sniffer and the most soulful eyes. I could go on and on about her, but that is not why I wanted to reach out.
When we picked up Ella’s ashes from our vet yesterday, they included her paw impression in your ClayPaws mold and it was so special for us to have and to hold and cherish for the rest of our lives.
The work that you all do is so important and meaningful to us at this time and I am sure many thousands of people that have had to say goodbye for now to their beloved companions. Thank you all for all that you do every day and know that it touched our hearts dearly.
We know that the empty feeling will fade as it fills with the memories we hold dear of our Ella.
Again, we can’t thank you and all the teams involved enough for giving us something tangible to cherish.
Charlie Pedrick
I am so happy we switched back to using ClayPaws Kits! After being ClayPaws customers for several years, we decided to try a different method for making paw prints for our customers. We did this thinking it might save us time and money. Our experiment was short-lived, however, because we soon discovered that ClayPaws clay cannot be matched for its quality, consistency or convenience. My advice to others is, don’t waste your time and energy trying to reinvent an already perfected system!
Judy Johnston
Just a short note to thank you for your many kindnesses during our recent loss. Bailey was family to us and you both reinforced our feelings about her in so many ways. One, in particular stands out.
Moments after Bailey’s death, [our veterinarian] asked us if we wanted to make a clay print of Bailey’s paw as a lasting memento of her. We were intrigued by the idea and found it so satisfying to do this. The paw print was the first tangible remembrance available to us within moments of her death. It gave us a “caring” task to perform in those painfully empty, numbing hours immediately following her death.
Once we arrived home, we etched her name into the clay, baked it, and then located a special place for it to rest. We feel this memorabilia is quite possibly the single most important gesture made by our veterinarian at a time when there was really very little anyone could say or do to provide comfort.
Today, caressing this sculpture, running my fingers over the details of the impressions and seeing the single strands of fur forever captured in the clay has helped me “hug” her memory. Every friend and relative who has seen the imprint has remarked at what a marvelous idea it is.
As time goes by, we sometimes feel as if we are losing touch with Bailey and we even wonder, “Was it real? Was she really here with us?” The paw print has helped make our dog’s “memory picture” more vivid and complete, her essence more tangible for us. This is one of my most cherished possessions; frankly, it is one of the things I would grab in the event of a fire!
Now, I’m happy to tell you that we’ve adopted a new puppy, much like Bailey in looks, but seemingly quite different in personality. We want to make a print of her paw while she’s a puppy so we can always remember how tiny and sweet she was at this age. Later, of course, we’ll make a print of her adult foot and then we’ll have both to remind us of her love.
Lisa Zins
When we have severe weather coming Joshua and Jeremiah’s prints are the one thing that I wrap in tissue paper and bubble wrap and take with me to the basement. If the weather is going to be bad but probably not require us to go to the basement I still wrap them up and put them in a drawer where I pray that they will be safe. I’m sure this probably sounds silly to a lot of people but that’s how important their prints are to us.
In the seven years I worked with you all and your company, I logically knew the purpose of the clay paws. However, a couple weeks ago I became aware of the emotional purpose of a clay paw. I lost my first dog kiddo, Bruno, to a degenerative condition. As earth shattering and heart breaking as his passing was, there was a small feeling of solace as I held the clay paw with his imprint on it. I wanted to send a personal thank you to World By The Tail for providing a small item with such a large impact.
Michelle Saiz
I want to personally thank each and everyone at Veterinary Wisdom, who went above and beyond to help me get ClayPaws Kits in time to get a lasting paw impression of my beloved cat, that I had to put down last week. These ClayPaws prints will forever be with my family and I, and words cannot explain how much they mean to me. Your team is so caring and made a stressful and sad time for me go so smoothly.
As a veterinary technician and a pet-sitter-business owner, I see that some clinics are not offering ClayPaws impressions and choosing ink or something else instead. This is not the same as a ClayPaws print! There is something so beautiful about holding and feeling your pet’s paws when you lose them. The comfort and connection I feel while holding mine is so powerful and helps me to honor the memory of my lost pet.
I will be carrying ClayPaws Kits for my customers if they need one for when the time comes, and I even love these as Christmas gifts too! Thank you again for the amazing customer service and for just being truly genuine and kind. Blessings to you all.
Leanne T.
Thank you so much for helping me with my order! My beautiful Dukie, handsome Mini Pin mix, passed on Aug. 24 and I ordered several months ago from you all the [Copy Kit] to make more paw prints. That kit came in record time with no glitches. In processing life after the passing, it took me a while to finally make [the copy prints] of the original paw print the Vet made for me when he passed. The Vet cremated my Dukie and gave me everything in a beautiful gift bag set of all the items and info on how to order more kits to make paw prints as well as other products. Later, I noticed the cases to hold the paw prints and purchased them. This long weekend I was able to paint and decorate the two additional prints I made from the paw print kit. I am so happy with how they turned out and the [finishing glaze] on them makes the decorated prints shiny. The paw print kits come with not only the wonderful material, tools and all to create more paw prints, but the directions are very helpful! Thank you again! This helps me process my grief….”
J.J., Pet Cremation Consultant
I was introduced to using ClayPaws clay when I began working at a local pet crematory where they are very popular and gain us many referrals. We get lots of requests for paw prints and I sometimes feel that families are looking forward to getting their pet’s paw print back even more than the remains. I wish I had known about ClayPaws Kits sooner. I worked for a veterinary practice for over 10 years where we used Crayola air dry clay to make paw prints, and sadly, they would often crumble before families would return to pick up their pet’s remains weeks or months later. I know now that air dry clay is not intended to be used to make lasting keepsakes, that is not its purpose. But it is the sole purpose of ClayPaws clay!
Every time I make a ClayPaws print I am amazed at how the clay never dries out, is easy to work with and how much better the prints turn out than those made with air dry clay. Better yet, when families receive a ClayPaws print, it means that their pet’s memory will be around for generations to come. It is heartbreaking when a child has to say goodbye to their pet, but I feel so good knowing they will always have a ClayPaws print to remember the pet they grew up with. Even more, they will be able to show that same ClayPaws print to their own children when they reminisce about their childhood. Giving someone a ClayPaws print is gifting them with a permanent, tangible memory of the pet they loved. That makes it all worth it, every time.
Kaitlin J.
On Saturday, May 15th we said goodbye to our best friend of 14 years, Noah. We chose to have him cremated and have the ashes returned to us. Along with Noah’s ashes, we were given a lock of his fur and one of your kits. Truthfully, it took me a few days to finally open the kit to even look at his paw print. I was overcome with such sadness reading the instructions and then suddenly I was crying tears of relief and joy. At the bottom of the instructions I saw the note about being assembled by people with developmental disabilities.
You see, our four year old son has an extremely rare neurological disorder that causes developmental delays as well as epilepsy. We often worry about his future because people just don’t understand his abilities and only see his disability. Seeing a company provide meaningful employment to people like him is rare and something that doesn’t go unnoticed in this house. Thank you for giving that opportunity to a demographic severely underemployed. You touched our family’s heart in two ways with that single kit and we are so grateful!
Dr. Stephen Withrow
My team has made paw prints for my clients for over 20 years and feel that the kits are a simple and convenient way to provide a lasting memento for a pet owner upon the loss of their animal. Many owners have commented that receiving a paw print added a personal touch to the sometimes impersonal process of their pet’s death. It’s one more way we, as veterinarians, can express empathy at a difficult time.
Dr Tammy L Kersting
We have been using ClayPaws for a long time and my clients almost always request at least one as a memorial. I myself always have one done for my fur babies and even some of my really long time clients that I have strongly bonded with. I have “many”.
Melissa Strycker-Grzeskowiak
We, at WVC, are proud to use Clay Paws to help our clients have a personal memento from their pet who has passed away. We offer these at no charge to anyone who loses their pet. This allows them a very special tangible memory of their pet that they can personalize as well. We have used these for a variety of species and each Pet Parent is always very appreciative for the time and effort we put into them.
Gwen Porter
Excellent product. My staff loves your Clay paws. It is soft and pliable and bakes well and makes a beautiful memory for my clients. My clients are very appreciative and the paw print gives them comfort. Customer Service is 5 stars and you are just the best.
Emily Latray
At our clinic, we use ClayPaws because our client’s pets are their family. No one is ever really ready to say goodbye to their loved ones, and ClayPaws gives them a small piece of their pet to keep forever. Something as insignificant as a paw print may seem like it wouldn’t make a difference, but to our clients, it means the world to them. And to us, here at the clinic, our clients mean everything to us.
Glyn Richards
Being a new business owner we needed to find a vendor for keepsakes to give our clients. For the past two years of operation we are beyond grateful of quality and customer service we receive. Orders are entered and received in a timely matter which is key!!! Thank you for helping us to help others during our clients difficult time!
Bridget Monson
We switched to Clay Paws about a year ago and are so pleased with the product and the client service. We have received more positive feedback from our pet parents regarding our Angel Care and the special tribute to their pet that has crossed the Rainbow Bridge. We have been customizing the paw print for each family and want to let you know how much we appreciate all you do to help recognize the importance of the last visit to our clinic.
Tiffany Bonsell
We love this company. In the field we are in, we use this product daily. Being able to offer clay paw prints to our clients is a heart warming experience for everyone involved. The products are great quality and are user friendly.
Kim Hare
We’ve been using ClayPaws for several years now and always provide one to every animal humanely euthanized at our practice. We love having the flexibility to bake them here in the clinic or to send them home unbaked for clients to bake at home. Better yet, there are easy to understand instructions that guide clients on baking their paw print at home. The clay is soft and pliable making them easy for our staff to use and all tools and accessories compliment the paw print well. ClayPaws provide consistent results so that if a client has received one for one pet, they can count on getting a similar print of the same quality for a future pet. I can’t imagine ever switching to a different product because of the ease and reliability of ClayPaws.
Kimberly Holupka
I have implemented using Veterinary Wisdom at every clinic I have joined, we just implemented these clay paws for every euthanasian here at The Bird and Pet Clinic. My staff enjoys and takes pride in making beautiful clay paws. This paw leaves something for the pet owner to cherish for years to follow. Thank you Veterinary Wisdom for all that you do for the pet owners and the veterinary staff. Love our Almond Shimmer.
Jessica Mikolowski
Such a wonderful keepsake! We have used Clay Paws at our practice for several years. It’s already so extremely difficult for clients to lose their beloved pet and say their final goodbyes. This product is a wonderful keepsake that helps them with their grieving process and have a special memento from their fur-baby forever. Our clients always appreciate it so much.
Brittany Burrell
“When I needed a Hand, I found your Paw.” In this industry we always hear that we are in it for the money which isn’t true. As technicians, and Doctors, we become attached to our patients and their owners since the day we see them for their first puppy visit. Unfortunately, being an emergency hospital too, we see critical cases daily that do not have the outcome we want. We form relationships with them, and want to see them improve and leave with their owners. We offer all of our clients Free ClayPaws when they present for euthanasia or when their pet has unfortunately passed away for whatever the circumstance may be. We want them to have a keepsake, something beautiful to remember their family member by. I, myself have recently been in these owners position and your Claypaws help me remember her daily. Thank you for making these perfectly, and keeping their family members memories alive for pet owners across the world. We have been using you all for years and will continue to do so.
Richard Mathes
We just started using these clay paws for 3-4 months. We love them. It brings a smile to our clients during these difficult times at euthanasia. We give every owner 1 free one and press their pets name. I wish we would have found your company sooner!
Janet Talbot
Great products & service! Our clients are touched by the gift of a clay paw print given to them when they pick up their pet’s cremains. Our team has even made paw prints for little guinea pigs – that takes some talent! The product is great as well as the accessories and the customer service is outstanding.
Kelley Jewell
It doesn’t matter how many times we walk into that one room in the clinic and sit down with a client and their pet, it hurts every single time. The subtle devastation of severing the tangible bond of a pet and its owner is something we never get used to. When we started offering your pawprints to our clients, it not only warmed the hearts of grieving owners but we were surprised to find the positive impact on our staff. Creating beautiful pawprints and decorating them with care has become a therapeutic experience that all of our technician and assistants enjoy. It has been such a gift to be able to heal our staff while they help to heal our clients.
Dr Sarah Lavelle
I have used the soft white Clay Paws for over 20 years for our patients of all shapes and sizes, from tigers and great danes to gekkos, rats and birds. Every client is deeply touched by the care and detail that we put into the design of each gift. Every patient is so unique as is their foot print and so this personally crafted gift brings joy to a deeply sad moment and helps bring closure to adults and children alike. Our technicians find it a blessing to their mental health to be able to make something beautiful that helps to ease others pain in their time of loss. The client veterinary relationship is seldom lost after euthanasias when we build a life long bond through creating a special Clay Paws paw print unique to their family. The letters and stamps that you provide us with allow for more unique creativity and gives the clients choices at a time when there is no longer a choice for life for their beloved friend.
Pamela Gerds
I believe Clay Paw prints are the single most appreciated thing we do for our clients at their time of grieving for their pets. Being able to present the client with a hand made, bejeweled reminder created from their beloved pet makes their trip back home alone just a little bit easier. The staff all enjoy making the Clay Paw prints and it helps all of us feel better for being able to do something meaningful and lasting for the client. I opened Advanced Care Pet Hospital twelve years ago and we have been making Clay Paw prints for our clients ever since. We at Advanced Care Pet Hospital love Clay Paws.
Jason Walker
Clay Paws have done a great job with helping not only clients but also veterinarian staff with closure with a loss or unexpected loss. You will be surprise how much paw prints can brighten an individual’s day once they received it. We all know the first week is always rough but knowing once you received your paw print you have a symbol and memory of your loved one. I happy to say I’m glad there is an resource we can offer that can help an with an individual’s emotion and feelings.
Kathryn Reilly
A lovely personal keepsake. I have used ClayPaws kits to provide a personal clay paw print for my in-home pet euthanasia clients over the past 6 years. I love that I can re-roll the clay if the print doesn’t look right the first time, and I bake the clay myself before giving the paw print to the client to ensure it doesn’t get damaged.
The kits are very easy to use, and will provide a long-lasting, high quality keepsake.
I have tried a couple of other paw print kit options, but I love the ClayPaws because they are so versatile, and produce a beautiful, and very detailed impression – capturing the personal attributes of the pets paw print in a strong and durable medium.
I recently also started providing the gold wire stands for the paw prints – which are also well received by clients.
Clients LOVE the paw prints, and I have experienced great customer service from this company.
Thank you Veterinary Wisdom!
Wendy Shipley
We are so thankful for the ability to give our grieving families a lovely paw print to capture the love that they were blessed to share. We acquired the business one year ago and wanted to elevate the level of care we provided for our families. A sweet pawprint is exactly what we wanted to offer, and your clay is perfect. It’s the special touch we were looking for!
John Gibson
When I opened in August 2016, I didn’t know much about clay paw prints. I was new to the industry and was trying to learn all I could. I found World by the Tail and thought what a neat idea. I ordered the white, read the instructions and taught myself how to put the paw print in the clay and bake it. My pet parents really loved it. I glazed them and they shined, put two small holes in the top before baking and added a blue or pink ribbon to show the sex of the pet. It takes time to clean the paw, cutting the hair between the pads and clipping the nails. I found out by trial and error, on small pets, I could put both front paws in the clay. The pet parents loved it. I started getting requests for birds, hamsters, bearded dragons, rabbits, and all kinds of pets. 90 percent of my cremations now, request a paw print. This is an excellent product that makes me a very good profit. Thank you World by the Tail for giving my pet parents something to remember their loved ones.
Casey Mouthorp, LVT
We added Clay Paws to our practice as a way to memorialize our patient’s that have passed. The detail of the paw print is amazing and each one can be personalized in so many ways to honor the pet lost. The quality of the clay makes for a great final product!
Tiffany Nash, DVM
We at Kingsport Veterinary Hospital admire Clay Paws and so do our clients! Nothing feels better than being able to provide a memorabilia of a loved one passed that a client will hold near and dear to the heart for many years to come! I can remember prior to becoming a veterinarian, on one of the worst days of my life was when it came time to put my precious baby, Sasha, to sleep. That day I was shown so much compassion and love by the veterinary staff and they were so gentle with my girl. Prior to leaving I was handed the most beautiful clay paw print I had ever seen. That was 5 years ago and to this day I find myself looking at her print and gently rubbing her paw! As a veterinarian, it has been my goal to treat every client and patient as I was treated on that day. Seeing someone cherish something that I was able to give them brings so much joy for me in this field! I hope to continue to supply Clay Paws for years and years to come!
Brendan Jordan
At Paws to Remember, we pride ourselves on giving our clients the highest quality products. The Clay Paws clays are always easy to work with and leave a great impression that wows both us and our clients. Clay paw impressions allow us to help people remember their pet, and Clay Paws makes it easy for us to do.
Dr. Jacqueline Gano
We have only recently started using ClayPaws prints at our clinic but already love them. They are made of a high quality clay and are so easy to make. Our clients love getting to keep a piece of their pet with them to remember them by.
Kathleen Stambaugh
Quality service and quality clay. We work with several good professional vendors but your kindness both on the phone and in your response to any request is what all vendors in whatever business should strive for. I’m certain your other customers would join me in celebrating what you offer both in sincere customer service & quality products. My sincere thanks!
Thomas Myles
I have been a crematory operator with the Cremation society of Illinois for not too long now, but these clay paw prints have been really cementing me as someone who truly cares for these departed pets. I love taking the time to paint and decorate them. The smile on their faces always does it for me, especially for the kids.
Grief is a tricky thing, and who knew these paw prints could be such a powerful tool for healing.
Thank you so much for helping me serve the community better.
Countryside Animal Hospital
We really love ClayPaws! We appreciate the additional color of the Copper Shimmer and that all the colors are very tasteful and neutral. The quality of the clay is also excellent. It has really improved the efficiency in getting a nice and deep imprint with lots of detail.