A few weeks ago, an owner of a pet crematory called to inquire about ClayPaws Kits. He was given one by a fellow pet professional and was impressed with the quality and ease of use. While talking, he told me that he recently had found his late pet’s paw print (made of an air-dry clay) had fallen off a shelf and was ruined. This disappointing occurrence made it important for him to provide a quality keepsake for his clients.
We understand other clay options may be initially appealing due to them being cheap and requiring no baking. But we also know you and your staff take pride in presenting lasting, high-quality keepsakes to your clients. With ClayPaws clay you can feel confident you are choosing the best clay for paw prints.
Here are a few reasons why!
Unlimited Work Time
Quality impressions don’t always happen on the first try, which can be stressful for you and your staff. When using ClayPaws clay there is no rush or pressure. Our clay can be re-kneaded and the impression made again until you are happy with the outcome. Our clay does not harden when exposed to air like others, taking the time-restraint pressure off the making process. With ClayPaws, your staff will never have to compromise quality due to limitations with the clay.
The Best Clay for Paw Prints are Tangible
I have referenced this before in a previous blog, and I will again because it is so important with this topic. According to Psychology Today, touch increases levels of the hormone oxytocin. Oxytocin is known to lower stress hormones. Touch can also decrease pain, isolation, and anxiety — helping to ground the receiver and decrease sensory deprivation.
Our proprietary formula was designed to be touched and held. After being baked, a ClayPaws print can be touched, caressed, and held as many times as needed. The ability to feel the unique grooves and texture of a lost pet’s paw impression can have great impact on the healing process. A pet parent who received a ClayPaws print of her dog Sammi said, “I love how detailed it is. I can feel the texture of her pads and see the lines of fur.”
In our home we have a few ClayPaws prints and one air-dry paw print from my husband’s dog. Our 5 year old can ,and does, pick up our ClayPaws prints, kisses them, takes them to his room, etc. It has been so special for him to have something personal and tangible of our lost pets. My husband’s air-dry paw print on the other hand, sits on our dresser in the permanent container it was given to him in and does not get touched due to its fragility. Although I know how special that print is to my husband, I wish he wasn’t missing out on the tangible aspect of it.
The Best Clay for Paw Prints will Last
As mentioned before, we know the “no-bake” appeal with some other clay options is why some people chose it. Unfortunately, what some people may not realize is the drying process of air-dry clay pulls out moisture making the final product shrink anywhere form 5-15%. Air-dry clay is also known to curl, warp or crack easily over time. These changes can leave pet parents with a very vulnerable product that will compromise their pet’s impression overtime.
But with a ClayPaws print, once it is baked it will not crack, shrink or change overtime. In a previous blog entitled “Rainbow Bridge Remembrance Day: The Story of Buddy” our Chief Growth Officer, Bryn, mentions how her ClayPaws print has travelled with her to various dorm rooms, apartments and moves throughout the country. And after almost 20 years, her print looks the same as it did the day it was made. That is the perfect testament to ClayPaws clay being the best clay for paw prints.
Let’s Talk Baking
Lastly, let’s quickly chat about baking. If you have read this far, you realize how important baking is for ClayPaws clay. The baking process is what makes ClayPaws permanent.
If baking in your practice is an obstacle, don’t worry – we have solutions!
ClayPaws Kits do not require any special oven or tools, making it simple for the pet parent to bake their print at home. Our packaging comes with the baking instructions conveniently printed on the bag. Should the pet parent have any questions, we also include our contact information to walk them through whatever they may need.
If you want something different than just our packaging for unbaked prints, our Take and Bake Containers can be used to send home the print and be baked in that same container.
One of my personal favorites additions for unbaked prints, is our Healing Ceremony Card. This card explains how they can turn the baking process into a healing ceremony and by sending the print home unbaked you are giving them the chance to honor their pet in their own way.
All this to say, don’t let baking be the reason you are not choosing ClayPaws prints in your practice.
Try Us Out!
After 27 years in business, we have perfected the ClayPaws making process to ensure you and your staff can create the highest-quality keepsake. You can feel confident when you are using ClayPaws clay you are presenting your client with the best keepsake that honors the human-animal bond. No other clay will stand the testof time quite like ClayPaws clay.
If you haven’t tried ClayPaws Kits yet, we would love to send you a sample! Request one here.
Thanks for all you do,
Cassie McArdle
Customer Service
World by the Tail, Inc.