Guest blog by Elizabeth Allen Who are you, what do you do? You say your name, your profession and you can see folks forming mental pictures of how relatable your answer might be in their world. And you feel yourself begin to shrink and expand at the same time and it hurts. Because you want to fit their point of view and yet you can’t help but expand, because you know that you are so much more than the letters after your last name. You are an end-of-life Veterinarian and that changes everything. When you enter the home for an… Continue Reading
Like bandage art? Try our NEW HeartFelt Stickers
The practice of using bandage art on catheter wraps during client-present euthanasia adds a tangible touch of compassion to the care you provide. In times of grief, people will often forget the intangible acts of compassion. So, they need something they can see and feel to remind them of your genuine care for them after they leave your hospital. One way to demonstrate your heartfelt care, especially during times of loss, is to use our new HeartFelt Stickers. The idea for these stickers, like many of our products, came from you–the experienced veterinary team. How bandage art helped me say… Continue Reading
Adopt a Senior Pet Month
November is National Adopt a Senior Pet Month! Find out below how sales of our “Gotcha” Ribbons benefit Golden Growls Senior Rescue. This year we launched our Give Back Program which supports organizations that align with our mission through a portion of the sales of certain products. We’re taking this chance to talk about how our “Gotcha” Ribbon sales benefit a senior pet rescue that is very close to our hearts. The founder, Cassie McArdle is a member of our AMAZING customer service team. In honor of this special month, we interviewed Cassie about Golden Growls Senior Rescue. Interview with… Continue Reading
Take and Bake Containers Make Your Job Easier!
If baking ClayPaws® prints is what is standing in your way of trying our process or you feel like it takes up too much of your staff’s time, consider our Take and Bake Containers! Rather than switching to a paw print kit of lesser quality that is less versatile and more unpredictable, just simplify your ClayPaws Print-Making Process! We designed our Take and Bake Containers to eliminate the step of baking prints onsite while still allowing you to send prints home safely the same day. Today, we are announcing the launch of our NEW Large Take & Bake Containers. These… Continue Reading
Client Retention for Veterinary Teams: A Powerful Tool
Use ClayPaws Kits post-death to support grieving clients, empower veterinary teams, structure time and client exits after euthanasia and ensure client retention for veterinary teams. Euthanizing a beloved pet is never easy. It’s even harder when the pet’s grieving family is present during the procedure. Yet, family-present euthanasia can be one of the most powerful client retention techniques veterinary teams can us. Especially when they pay close attention to how their client’s final goodbyes are facilitated. After a pet has died, a client’s exit from the veterinary clinic (or the removal of a pet’s body after home euthanasia) presents one… Continue Reading
A Healing Ceremony for Your Clients: Decorating & Baking Prints At Home
You may not be able to decorate or bake your client’s ClayPaws® prints onsite. That’s okay! It is more important that the print go home as soon after a loss as possible, the same day if it can. Don’t let baking stand in the way of sending pet parents home with their prints. The experience of decorating and baking ClayPaws prints at home can become a healing ceremony for them. When you present it this way, pet parents see that you are providing the opportunity to honor their pet in their own way. The benefits to you of making ClayPaws… Continue Reading
Not One More Vet Offers Support for Veterinary Mental Health
Not One More Vet (NOMV) is a 501(c)(3) public charity and is the leader in veterinary mental health. We are proud to help support their mission to transform the status of mental wellness within the veterinary profession so professionals can survive and thrive through education, resources, and support. According to the NOMV website, 1 in 6 veterinarians consider suicide at some point in their career. Veterinary professionals are at increased risk for death by suicide compared to the general public. Unfortunately, we are all too aware of this devastating fact. Like many of you, members of our team have lost… Continue Reading
Pet Memory Box Now Available!
We have exciting news! Our long-awaited new product, the ClayPaws Pet Memory Box, is now available exclusively through Veterinary Wisdom! You can learn more about our Pet Memory Boxes on our website, but we’d love to tell you where the idea for these boxes came from. A baked ClayPaws print is a linking object. A baked ClayPaws print is meant to be touched and held. Many pet parents tell us that they keep their ClayPaws prints in their purse, car, or even under their pillow in order to feel close to their beloved pet. They do this because ClayPaws prints… Continue Reading